Friday, January 18, 2008

Weekly 2008 Run-Downs and Predictions: COMING SOON!!!

Just as a heads up, starting next month, I will be posting my predictions for the upcoming season. Here's how this will go:
  1. Monday: I will post about what happened last year in the division that I will be covering during the week.
  2. Tuesday: I will discuss the moves made by the last place team (and the 5th place team in the NL Central) and whether the team(s) will improve in the upcoming year or not.
  3. Wednesday: I will discuss the fourth place teams offseason moves (Not in the AL West; that will be covered on Tuesday) and whether they'll improve or not.
  4. Thursday: I will discuss the 3rd place teams offseason and whether or not they'll improve.
  5. Friday: I will discuss the runner-up in the division's hot stove season and whether or not they will have a better year.
  6. Saturday: Finally, I'll discuss the winner of the division's offseason and whether they will get worse or not.
  7. Sunday: I'll have my final prediction for the division, including win/loss records and Division MVP!

So keep your eyes peeled. These posts should be out around mid February!

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